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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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How would a union work in an Agile Hardware company

Love or hate Elon this video is dumbfounding. Tesla has almost no hierarchy. Elon himself spends 80 hours in the factory doing every job at some point. Changes to production or work environment fixes are done in hours. You see a problem you form a team and fix it. There is no blue white collar distinction.

Is Breaking Points a right wing show?

Dear Krystal and Sagaar, I'm a big fan of the show and would consider myself a Leftist, probably closest to what some would describe as a "social democrat." Recently, I've noticed that the comments on your videos increasingly reflect right wing views, and that most of your segments portray opinions which are critical of the Democratic party. Although I'm no fan of the Democrats, I think the Republicans are much worse, yet you seem to spend very little time criticizing Trump and the GOP. In the few instances that you do, your audience seems to react very negatively, especially towards Krystal's monologues. What's going on here? In Solidarity, Carlos PS: Krystal will you please interview Slavoj Zizek, Yanis Varoufakis, and any of the Squad members on Krystal, Kyle, and Friends? PPS: How come you never talk about your husband, Krystal?

Can you please cover the shortage of USDA inspectors

USDA inspectors are normally rural Americans and many not vaccinated. If Biden admin follows through on firing federal employees if they are not vaccinated by December 4th we are looking at 30% fewer inspectors. You think food shortage are bad now just wait until plants must shut down Bc the USDA isn’t there to inspect it. Please cover this so we aren’t facing a massive food shortage in America.

SALT deduction

Whats your take on it? It's a Tax cut for the ultra wealthy so keeping it would be bad. But then it's also a blue state to red state transfer, as blue state taxes are generally higher. In that retrospect keeping it would be good.

Kyle Rittenhouse - MSM Organized Disinformation Campaign

1) Most MSM outlets appear to be telling a completely different story than what the video evidence says.. 2) It feels organized with the goal of creating another set of riots. 3) Impressive how antifa can manage the MSM and the Narrative: If press is caught recording anything antifa attacks and punishes with impunity. It sometimes seems like they are both working for the same people. Thoughts?