Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Do you think the establishment democrats will support an impeachment and removal of Biden to put Kamala in banking on her approval numbers remaining terrible to clear the path for Pete?

Is it worth calling congressional offices on issues?

I often call my congressional representatives. Is it worth my time? I like to think they collect the data but congress often votes against the wishes of their constituents. After the GOP reaction to the infrastructure bill, I am afraid congress as a whole will listen even less to their constituents and more to the party. I am respectful, and take the approach that even if I cant change the mind of my rep, I might make the office worker consider my point of view and change their minds, or at least waste their time. They are often argumentative with me and I've kindly had to remind them its not their job to change my mind but to represent me. Once, I was even told to get a better job by the local office of my congressman. For context, I live in Missouri 7th district and voted against every one of my current national reps, but happily helped flip my state rep from red to blue. keep me anonymous please.

Podcast 2.0 compatibility

Have you guys talked to Adam Curry from the No Agenda podcast about podcasting 2.0? He is creating a new media rich podcasting standard, where you could for example add on screen media graphics to your podcast and a transcript for closed captioning. It could make your podcast even better.

Rittenhouse Trial Coverage?

Hey guys, my dad and I have always had conflicting political views but ever since I turned him on to this show, we are able to see more in common with each other's beliefs than not. Thank you for that. However he did bring up a good critique to me recently. We are wondering why hasn't there been any coverage of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial? Are you guys waiting for a verdict first? Thanks again!

Please give me information

Krystal you stated in your last episode that the Vaccine had a substantial and proven ability to prevent you from getting Covid and spreading Covid. I have been looking for information on this exact subject. I'm open to learning I just cannot find any studies or actual data that backs that up. Please give me a couple of sources on this. It would help me so much.