Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Defense Industry.

How can any of the social reforms: housing for everyone, good public schools, public health ever become reality if the Pentagon and Defense Contractors are not reined in? Is the a chance in hell that that can happen?


Hi Krystal and Saagar, I’m huge fan of the show, and I would really love your take on the meritocracy. I often hear Krystal criticize it and her critiques are certainly valid, but I just don’t know what the alternative is. Prior to having college admissions, educational attainment and degrees determine who leads, the right and ability to rule was largely determined by birth and inherited privilege. So is the meritocracy truly bad? Or is it bad because it’s not truly meritocratic?

Interview me.

I am a progressive populist DFLer running for Congress in rural MN. Likely the 8th district. (Maps aren't final yet in MN.) You have interviewed journalist, Aaron Brown in the past. I think you understand the changing political landscape on the Iron Range. After our district boundaries are set, I'd love to come on the show and talk about how I plan to flip the 8th back to the DFL. I know this is not the regular means of getting on your show, but I'm a working stiff in Bemidji, MN and I don't have the necessary contacts to get a request to you via more traditional means.

Video games

Do you play them? Which one?

What do you think of the Beatles, and it's members?

As a huge fan of your guys show and a fanatic of the Beatles (I used the right word) I wonder if you think the Beatles had a big influence on history, I know I've heard if not you all but def Kyle that the boomers we really left in the 60s, but in the 70s and 80s they started being more conservative, but the Beatles broke up in 69 and John Lennon was shot in 1980, now it was December so people already voted, but I think it's possible people got disilusioned, now even if that theory is worng there is a lot of good they would do mostly George Harrison and ringo, like the concert for Bangladesh, John Lennon taking advantage that the media wanted to get a picture of him and yoko in bed, he made it in to a bed in and out up signs that say peace on the wall, his legal battle to immigrate to the US is the basis for DACA being legal and is also why they're are called dreamers. He was a target of Nixon's fbi during Watergate, the Beatles were the most popular music group in the world for at least 4-5 years (64-68?69?)at 1 point in the 60s, and still what's your opinion on music as voice to rally people together, Even Bernie played power to the people by John Lennon before every speach. But other musicians like Joe hill who was an organizer in America who worth songs and when he was framed for a murder he became a myrtr for other musicians I'm just herd of him the other day,