Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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I just read Jane Mayer's piece on Ginni Thomas in The New Yorker. The article is laced throughout with references to "nonprofit" groups who submit Amicus Briefs to the Supreme Court. What are Amicus Briefs and how do they play a role in the figged corporate system?


I am a new subscriber and thought I'd be getting a daily episode from you. So far I've only been notified twice about news episodes and twice for your AMA episodes. Do you post everyday of the work week or is there something otherwise going on.

Panel discussions

Would you consider bringing back some of the panel discussions? I always enjoyed hearing diverse viewpoints on your show even if some of their views could be cringy. Anyways, love the show, and thanks for providing such a great service!

Labor movement beyond the news

Big picture question.......I've been inspired by Krystal to dive into the history of the labor movement, working people, and Thomas Frank's history of populism. I've recently become obsessed with Carl Sandburg, a working class poet who won several Pulitzer Prizes without ever graduating high school! He was even a member of the Social Democrat party before it was cool. Have either of you thought of connecting to artists or storytellers to give some context to the current labor/populist movement?


Do you think it would be helpful if CNN and other far left outlets preceded every COVID segment with a message along the lines of "Disclaimer: The following represents the opinions of established institutions making billions off of the rollout of COVID vaccines and may not reflect the options of all doctors, virologists, immunologists, biologists, psychologists or any other field related to the effects of SAR-COV-2, COVID-19 or any COVID-19 related vaccine, prophylactic or therapeutic."