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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Citizens United

With current citizens united rulings and Supreme Court make-up, could a 35 year old American business run for president?

Searching for a recent episode

I often want to refer back to Breaking Points episodes to illustrate a point, but have a lot of trouble finding what I'm looking for. For example, today I looked high and low for the one I'm pretty sure you did (I think it was a Krystal monologue) about how researchers had proved the connection between U.S. war escapades and in-country violence. I can't find it anywhere. Has it been deleted? Is there a better way to search? Thank you.

How can we get politicians to do something?

There's a lot of things - take the grid where there's a lot of bipartisan agreement and catastrophes are literally a few months away. Our politicians seem content to fiddle while Rome burns and can only agree on sensing money to Ukraine. What can average people do to change that?

Should Biden encourage Governers to utilize state(s) National Guard to protect against school shootings?

With the slew of school shootings, could it be argued that Biden could encourage Governers to utilize state(s) National Guard to protect against school shootings.

Nationalizing the Fossil Fuel Industries- How Would It Work?

Love the debate over what we should do about gas prices now and the fossil fuel industries going into the future. I agree with Saagar that its never going to happen but my question is: if this were going to happen, how would a Federal Government takeover of a huge industry like this work? Does the government just buy all of the stock of every public oil company? What happens to smaller, non-public companies?