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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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What about oil depletion?

Saagar made some good points re: addressing refinery capacity and globalization of oil as a commodity in order to alleviate gas and diesel prices. And even though I dedicate my time to addressing climate and other environmental crises, I also generally agree that we can't easily or quickly substitute fossil fuel with renewable energy. But what about the depletion of oil, gas, and coal? These are nonrenewable, depleting resources, after all. Even if we didn't have a climate emergency, the days of cheap and easy oil and gas are over. Why else is industry resorting to more and more extreme and expensive forms of extraction -- fracking, deep water drilling, tar sands? Could you take a look at oil depletion as part of the reality we have to face?

The unspoken deal with the EU on the 2% NATO spending.

Hi Saagar, After watching your 19/05/22 monologue I remembered an old Charlie Rose interview where a CIA guy discussed the 2% military spending requirement of NATO membership. He mentioned that the US would look the other way if the EU doesn't live up to this requirement, as long as the US gets economic benefits from and preferential treatment in the EU market. What's your opinion of this assertion by him? True, false or maybe somewhere in between? Thanks.

Gas prices to wean Americans off oil?

Hello, Do you think the Biden administration is letting gas prices stay high in order to try to get Americans to become more interested in alternative energy sources?

Fix our broken two party system

I don’t want to vote for Biden or Trump in another election. Can you talk to Andrew Yang about the Forward Party and ranked choice voting? It’s already been implemented in some states.

Good conspiracy

Neither of you are very conspiratorial (except Saagar and UFOs, but I digress) but the current gas crisis feels more manufactured than it should. When I hear the administration say the solution is EV cars, I feel like they’re using this opportunity to steer people towards them instead of attempting to fix the supply problem. Tell me why I’m wrong please