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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Recent Supreme Court Decision

I know that the Supreme Court gets a decent amount of attention, but I'm wondering if either of you have heard about the recent case of Shinn vs Ramirez. The Intercept has an incredible write up of it (at the bottom), but it essentially boils down the Supreme Court ruling that actual proof of innocence is not enough to stop an execution. The implications of the case are pretty scary, and very little attention has been given to Barry Jones, the innocent man who is currently facing execution in Arizona for a crime he didn't commit. I know you guys were able to help with Steven Donzinger's case quite alot by shining a spotlight on the case. Here is the intercept article And a 2 hour podcast speaking with the Federal Public Defender and Investigator who brought to light the case

Nuclear energy is not the solution but the 50-state plan to transform U.S. energy use to renewable resources is a start

Hi Krystal and Saagar Still love your show and renewed my subscription. I’ve written five times now (2/26/22, 3/4/22, 3/13/22 and 3/17/22, 5/22/22) on my views of nuclear power and even wrote James to see if I’d get a response since that’s what your website says, but still no acknowledgement. This is just one more try. I’ve suggested potential guest speakers to give you alternative views on nuclear power. This time I am writing to share a 50-state plan drafted by Mark Jacobs at Stanford University on how to achieve 100 percent renewable energy by 2050, without nuclear energy. Please have a look at this report (albeit dated) and please let me know what you both think. Sincerely James

Written News: best site/aggregator?

Aside from BP and Realignment, I prefer to consume written news. Now, today I'm trying to bounce between a littany of sources: Reuters, AP, Politico, NYT, WSJ, Jacobin, Greenwald and Taibbi's Substacks, Twitter, and others. Aside from Drudge, who's still somewhat biased, do you two have a combined (or each their own preference) of the best centralized source to consume? Regardless, is this an area on your product roadmap? If not, please consider it!

Lab Leak/ COVID Origin....what happened to this issue?

Hi there! Nicole from Boston, MA here. Absolutely love your show. Also, Krystal - you killed it on Bill Maher!! Way to represent the show, your ideals and your listeners concerns! Ok question - why is no one talking about or trying to figure where covid actually came from? Does the govt. just not care anymore? Will we ever truly know?

Thoughts on long covid?

I know you're not doctors, but do you think of long Covid much?