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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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I’m a lifetime member, yet I would like to donate $100 bucks a year. Will that change subscription status? They are all the same…right?

Joe watches Morning Joe in the mornings.

Would you guys consider going on Morning Joe? Apparently Biden watches that and it might be the only way to get through to him.

Gas Prices / Inflation

Hi - Curious why nobody is talking about this and it should be a topic of conversation. Right around the same time the war in Ukraine started, most employers forced employees back into the office. I work in sales, spend most of my day outside of the office, but yet I'm forced to drive in every single day. If gas prices are so high due to demand, why doesn't the government come out and recommend that we go back to a place where employers allow flexibility. This would decrease demand, and keep money in a lot of peoples wallets. Seems fairly simple and straight forward to me but nobody is bringing this up. Could be a terrible idea, but just something I thought about.

The Fed should crush the housing market

A while back you both talked about a generational divide in the economy. As a result of low interest rates and Fed QE boomers have enjoyed booming housing prices. As a married 23 yr old who wants to start a family soon I see zero problem with the Fed nuking the current housing market. Even though I would consider myself lucky with almost no student debt and a great job apart from a big collapse in housing prices it could be decade before I can afford a basic starter home that isn’t an hour away from work. Is this a false choice? Or are there other options?

Ugh - Taylor Lorenz

Wondering whether there is a story Of Taylor Lorenz. How does someone get where she is? Natural born A-hole or did she require training? What do you think?