Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Why Israel?

Currently listening to your mini show. Love all your content since day 1 of Rising. As far as why Israel or the IDF gets covered up by American media you SHOULD ask Ryan Dawson. Please go check out Ryan Dawson @ I just love his knowledge when it comes to in regards to why Israel has a hold on America. Please check RD out and I wait anxiously to hear your response.

Why oil companies make record highest profits under Biden not Trump?

Why did supposedly pro oil Companies Trump administration lead to less CO2 emissions and less oil company profit, where Biden administration is leading to increased CO2 emissions and why higher oil company profit?

Getting Stakeholders on the Show

Instead of reading other people's articles or tweet threads day in day out, why can't breaking points evolve to actually having on the movers or shakers in the show - Ron Klain for instance, instead of your segment, 'biden is unable to manage anything' Would this not be a better way to hold people to account and help affect change?

Bored Ape Yacht Club and 4Chan

Have either of you seen the controversy regarding one of the largest and most well known NFT/ cryptoverse developers, Yuga Labs, creators of the infamous Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs? This video provides a basic overview of the events and evidence of Neo-Nazi/ Alt-Right messaging being used in these projects and describes the perpetrators . My larger questions are regarding 4Chan and online niche troll culture co-opting MSM, Wall St investors, celebrities, and much of the online population. What are the root causes to the immergence of these issues and what can be done to address them? Is it enough to just report on them, expose the perpetrators, and issue punishment? Or, do more serious steps need to be taken to stop the creation of these communities and limit their effects on our culture and economy? If so, what might effective regulation against these issues look like and how would it not encroach on freedom of speech and expand the surveillance state?

Worth a discussion? Please read this Guardian article. This woman has a point. What do you think? Paul Blair - Frisco, TX