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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Am I wrong to be disillusioned with both parties?

Hey guys, love the show. Wanted to get your viewpoints on feeling like the polarization and how it's making a large contingent of people like myself feel totally disillusioned by our political system. It feels like both sides hate each other so much and that there's no longer a willingness to compromise or concede anything anymore. As the elites continue to rig the system in their favor, inequality continues to grow and most of the "mainstream" doesn't care... Is it wrong of me to think this whole thing is pointless? What can I a regular citizen do especially when I'm told if I don't for x I'm supporting y? Thanks

Cover Kim Iverson's departure from rising

Breaking Points’ Breaking Point

Love you both but am worried about you guys based off of one of Saagars recent comment about how both of you are individually writing out each monologue etc for the three shows each week other than the clips. I’d love to hear about you both and your process to balance your work life schedule. I’d hate nothing more than burn out from my favorite news source and journalism tends to have a close relation with terrible life habits!

Breaking Points’ Breaking Point

Love you both but am worried about you guys based off of one of Saagars recent comment about how both of you are individually writing out each monologue etc for the three shows each week other than the clips. I’d love to hear about you both and your process to balance your work life schedule. I’d hate nothing more than burn out from my favorite news source and journalism tends to have a close relation with terrible life habits!

Supreme Court? More like Supreme Courts...

I've always wondered why we allow 9 Judges (lawyers) to decide on cases that are patently outside of their chosen profession. For example, you don't ask a dentist what type of lumber to use when building a roof. Nor do you ask an electrician what gene therapies will work against breast cancer. Or a physicist what soil works best for soybeans in Iowa. So in that line of thinking, I believe we shouldn't have lawyers deciding on cases involving medicine, science, data and technology. Guys, they are just unqualified. What do you think of having "supreme courts" to cover medicine, internet rules (data, privacy, security) and science (environmental, energy, etc...), to make INFORMED decisions on these critical questions for the country? I came to this idea after watching how dumb our politicians looked interviewing the tech industry leaders over the past few years. The tech industry gets away with anything because our politicians and judges are unqualified to make sound decisions, or even understand basic technical functions. Anyway what do you think?