Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Abortion Ruling versus National Law

Based on the Supreme Courts Abortion Ruling deferring the legislative ownership to the states, how can Mike Pence and others be calling for a Nationwide Abortion Ban this seems to be diametrically opposed to the Supreme Courts deferment to the states. Can you explain the logic here?

More recommendation than question

Are you following Alec Karakatsanis (@EquityAlec)? I think he would be an excellent guest for your show. His analysis of the "copaganda" in mainstream news articles is eye-opening and provides another window into how the ruling class manipulates public opinion.


Krystal & Saagar, Have you ever considered doing an episode (or series of episodes) dedicated to debating a topic? It's rare in this day and age to see a good-faith, respectful, and well-researched debate and I think you two may be one of the only sources left for such dialogue. I know I'd love to see that and I'm sure others would too. All the Best, Josh

2020 it was featured that al-Zawahiri was killed under the Trump administration

2020 it was featured that al-Zawahiri was killed under the Trump administration. I am trying to figure out why we thought this guy was already dead, and is now being killed again?

EV Tax Credits to Manufacturers

Krystal & Saagar, When discussing the need to increase the number of EV’s and what congress can do the topic of tax credits for people who buy EV’s was briefly mentioned. While I do believe giving a tax credit to people buying EV’s is a good incentive to get people to purchase EV’s I have long thought that the high price of EV’s make this a credit for the rich and also a credit to the corporations as I am sure they factor the credit the buyer will get when they are setting prices. My remedy to this would be that the credits are only available for EV’s with a purchase price under 50,000 or possibly even a lower number than that. Curious on your thoughts on this position and if you also believe this is a credit for the upper-middle class and indirectly a credit to the corporations by allowing them to inflate their sales prices.