Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Will Kathy Hochul's pay-to-play bite her in the ass?

Hochul is handing out big contracts to big donors in new york, and frankly I'm getting sick of it. Is she getting away with this because of how horrible Cuomo was? Feels like nobody talks about the NY governor anymore now that Cuomo isn't diddling staff. I'd like to hear your thoughts.

Spotify video

Do you have a date when we will be able to watch you on Spotify instead of just listen?

Forward Party

Can you do a segment on how exactly promoting rank choice voting and open primaries would benefit our political system and what the average person can do to promote these in their local area?

Asian massage parlors

Could you do a segment on Asian massage parlors? It's pretty incredible how many of those places exist and the ownership is very questionable. I'm surprised they are legal and would not surprise me if the money goes to gangs or criminal elements in China.

Kim Iverson

Is there any way that yall have considered having Kim on the team? She would complement the two of you wonderfully. It sucks that she had to leave the Hill but their loss could be your gain.