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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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How to stay informed

With the abundance of media and the decay of traditional media, how does one stay informed? I find it overwhelming. Thank you guys so much for what you provide! It’s why I signed up. But I am curious if you have any tips on how to stay informed. Is there a website you most use? What is it? Is there a show or YouTube channel? I wish there were a super site that created a list of links like drudgereport—but one that wasn’t of such questionable tabloid quality. Anyway, thank you guys! Keep up the great work. It means a lot to us

Please Interview/Collaborate with Reventure Consulting (from YouTube) on Housing/Rental Market Topics

Hi Krystal, Saagar, and BP Team. I’ve been watching the Reventure Consulting YouTube channel for a while now and the host (Nick Gerli) seems really sharp on Housing/Rental Market topics. He does ultra in-depth analyses that blow me away, in some videos down the the zip code or neighborhood. He informs his viewers where he gets his input data from and on his Patreon page, he teaches people how to use that data to do the analyses themselves. I think both of your channels will benefit from each other for collaborating on this topic. Please review his videos yourselves and I hope to see Nick on your show in the future. Keep up the great work and can’t wait to see your live show in the near future.

What platforms can I get the video podcast

It looks like spotify doesn't have the video podcast on it I don't think So my question is which platforms do offer the video side of the podcast. Thank you! Love listening!

CCP Police Stations abroad?

First I’m hearing about the CCP operating “police stations” on foreign soil, including the US, to monitor Chinese nationals living abroad. Wonder if you guys have more info on what their functions are and why have these have been deemed necessary in addition to traditional embassy operations.

Covering unions

You guys do great coverage on the new union movement. What about the current state of the unions? I've been a 55 year member of one of the largest union locals which is viewed from the outside as progressive but from the inside is totally lined up with the corporate Democrats and anti-progressive wing of the party in many ways.