Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Review Bombing

Pop-culture question: Are you familiar with "review bombing," and do you think it's a real phenomenon? Recently, and especially with shows like She Hulk and Rings of Power, evoking and blaming review bombing seems like a way to discredit popular opinion and criticism while consolidating elite cultural consensus.

Review Bombing

Pop-culture question: Are you familiar with "review bombing," and do you think it's a real phenomenon? Recently, and especially with shows like She Hulk and Rings of Power, evoking and blaming review bombing seems like a way to discredit popular opinion and criticism while consolidating elite cultural consensus.

Rank Choice Voting

Can you please explain which states have rank choice or considering rank/choice voting. As well how do the current tank choice systme work for primaries and general elections. Finally what are some of the options to improve the rank choice system or the 2 part primary system? Thanks for educating the public without bias!!! Love the show and balance you being to every subject.

What are your thoughts on paper abortions? (i.e. abortions for men)

I wanted to ask what both of your views are on paper abortions, where the biological father can sign away his rights and responsibilities (child support) before the child is born. I believe women should be able to look at their lives and decide they're not fiscally or emotionally able to have a child and decide to have an abortion if they choose. Some people believe that men should be given a choice on whether or not to have a child as well (since they can't legally force the woman to have an abortion). This feels like a culture war "gotcha" from conservatives who want to counter a woman's right to choose and I worry about how this policy would impact the real world. (My question mostly deals with a child resulting from sex between 2 consenting adults). Genuinely asking, because I'd love to hear what you BOTH think. I'd be interested in seeing what the other viewers think as well, if you want to do a poll. Also, I love the show!!! Me and my roommate Camron have been loyal fans since Rising and subscribed to be premium members the first day you posted your show. Love to watch content we can trust from people we trust. And your partnerships help me find other groups I can turn to, for more in-depth news coverage of other issues. Thanks!

2010 midterm slaughter and racism

I have heard you speak quite a bit about the Republican takeover of the house, senate and numerous state governments in the 2010 midterm elections. I have not heard any mention of the race factor which I remember may have greatly influenced the 2010 results. Do you feel that race had a major influence in the 2010 results? Paul Blair