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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Can we get more stories on Private Equity Firms, Hedge Funds, Big Business, The FED and the revolving door in DC?

I feel like that's being crowded out. Matt Stoller, James Li, and sometimes someone from the intercept or Lever will do a story, but I don't think it's appeared in Breaking Points proper for a while. The midterms, ukraine, legacy media, twitter, etc crowds it out. I don't really care about twitter and how it's going to work. I know you have to respond to the days events, but please keep 8 minutes open everyday in BP proper for these bread and butter issues that made BP so great. Thanks!

Michael Moore's blue wall to block the red wave

Will you have Michael Moore on your program to hear how his reasoning that the red wave that was so imminent according to MSM surveys, was not going to happen? James

Krystal's Accounting Background

During one of the recent episodes I heard you say there was a "Going Concern" related to some new story. I've never head of this being mentioned outside of accounting. Do you find yourself using accounting lingo often during the show?

Producer James

Can you all talk about what happened with James? Is he moving on to a new outlet?

Mike Gravel, Direct Democracy

Over on Krystal Kyle and Friends Kristal there was a discussion about direct ballot initiatives and a larger discussion on Direct Democracy. Are Mike Gravel’s ideas about returning more power to citizens even possible? Why is it so difficult for direct ballot initiatives, or even constitutional amendments to get on voter’s ballots?