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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Nuke China But then there's Saagar who can't stop condemning the Ukraine war but would love to see the US bring China to its knees. Let's hear it for American exeptionalism - which is certainly *not* confined to Saagar.

Audio quality for guests

Hey K&S - more of a suggestion than a question. Many of your guests are using built in laptop microphones or earbud microphones that are not high quality. Id really recommend having all guests invest in (or provide for them) a simple USB mic like an audio technica AT2020 (about $100). This would go a long way toward increasing production quality on guest segments. Love y’all! Keep it up

Credits Update frequency

After signing up for lifetime support, how long does it take for the Credits to be updated with my name?

My 10% off subscription has not been activated

I took advantage of your discounted annual subscription during your Election coverage but it has not been activated. My email is Colleen Ferreri.

Live show locations

Any plans for a live show in the Florida area? Maybe Jacksonville, Orlando or Tampa.