Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Uvalde shooting investigation?

Any updates on what's been happening with any Uvalde investigation(s)?

Balancing the Budget

Why is balancing the US budget considered to be a "radical" by Krystal (I am unsure on Saager's position)? One may argue that the "radical" position, as well as negligent, would be to continue spending at historical levels and to continue to increase the debt ceiling.

Why should I care about Kevin McCarthy? Really?

I've noticed that a ton of your on-air time lately has been devoted to the mud-slinging going on in the House over Kevin McCarthy. This mirrors the mainstream outlets who are also obsessed with it. However, in all of this coverage, I haven't heard an explanation of why this is an important story for your viewers to be familiar with. Your coverage thus-far has been basically like the rest of your political coverage, which focuses on the political gamesmanship of it all; who has the votes, who are the holdouts, what are the demographic dynamics, what are the procedural rules, what is the history of similar actions, etc. Meanwhile, what actions are your viewers supposed to take based on the information you're covering? Or is it just a juicy political food fight? Personally, since everyone is talking about it, I am curious what the deal is with Kevin McCarthy, that so many Republicans would be spending so much political capital to so vehemently oppose his confirmation. What's the real story there? He's obviously not too moderate, since no Democrats support him. Is he especially corrupt? Did he burn somebody? Is the Republican Party trying to distance themselves from Trump? Does he want to do some good for the American people and they want to stop him? Should I be writing my representative asking them to support him, or oppose him? Based on your coverage, I have no idea. I suspect there's a real story there for someone who is willing to dig for it. But so far, all we've gotten is sports coverage. Are you talking about it because the story is important for the average Americans, or are you talking about it just because the legacy media is talking about it?

In the long run won’t this Speaker gridlock be a good thing?

After listening to Rosendale’s floor speech it is starting to sound like, when you put Boebert and Gaetz aside, what the holdouts are arguing for is a return to a parliamentary system where the rank and file members actually contribute to and debate legislation rather than being relegated to a simple yes or no (or worse, unanimous consent). Some of the other speeches cited how unacceptable it was that the omnibus came through the morning of the vote and no discussion was allowed. I personally would prefer that my rep has input on spending programs like that, rather than the negotiations happening at the party leadership level. I feel like we’ll need to wait and see but curious about your take.

Add an archive page?

Hello, First off, love the show and what you guys have done. I was wondering if you could add an archive page or some way to easily find old shows other than scrolling endlessly down the feed page. Every once in a while I'll come up on a topic that y'all have covered and have problems finding it in your old shows. The search bar isn't helpful either. I might be technologically challenged anyway but figured I would ask. Thanks, Matt