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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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“Why RFK's “Vaccine Skepticism” is a “Red-line”, While Marianne Williamson's Own “Vaccine Skepticism” is Not?”

Why is RFK's “vaccine skepticism” a “Red-Line” for Krystal Ball at Breaking Points, while Marianne Williamson's own skepticism is not? Here's a tweet from a Democratic candidate: “As president, I would order the CDC to establish an independent commission to review/reform vaccine safety. Calling people who express any concern or questions about bundling, number of vaccines, nerorns-toxins and so forth “anti-vaxx” is both incorrect and unfair. All parents want only that their children be safe … concerned parents should not be demonized nor their concerns minimized. The call for certitude that vaccines are safe and responsible is not “anti-science” but rather “pro-science,” as it is a call for independent scientific research to review and establish vaccine safety.” [hat tip to Nick Cruse at Revolutionary Blackout]. That tweet was from Williamson in 2019, not RFK in 2023. Upon facing press criticism, Williamson quickly walked back her remarks: “Health care experts say Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson‘s views on vaccines … could hurt public health efforts … has faced criticism for her skepticism of vaccines … She apologized for those comments in a statement on Twitter the next day and has since said she “supports vaccines.” … the higher profile the primary is giving to her unscientific views could do real harm … She has a long history of questioning vaccination (a view she shares with President Donald Trump.)” It seems like there is a double-standard with how Krystal Interviewed RFK vs. Williamson.. Hopefully, her bias has nothing to do with Williamson officiating at her wedding. Let Saager do the next interview if you can't be objective and fair-handed.

Definitions of Civilization

Saagar, I recently happened upon this article that demonstrates and seemingly proves a high level of mechanized sophistication in ancient times. If these claims are true (I’ve checked their math and it lines up), it would warrant not just an archeological exploration of ancient sites, but a full engineering and scientific research opportunity to help expand our understanding of how to deploy our own technologies. Your interest in somewhat fringe but scientifically verifiable stories (re: UAP) seems to align with this and I can think of no one better to get an audience thinking about the historical implications.

HOW is the Debt Ceiling different than my balance sheet??

I am clearly missing something HUGE because you both seem to not care about the national debt AT ALL!!! If I ran my credit card the way the gov does NOBODY would give me credit! I'd be a HORRIBLE PERSON, racking up more debt than I'm entirely family is worth?! WHY is it OK for an entire country to do so? WHAT am I missing? Are we hoping China fails and we never have to pay it back? There has to be something I'm missing, because in my life drowning in debt is awful, not something to be encouraged. Thank you!

Krystal vs RFK Jr - Lack of Journalistic Integrity

Hi Krystal - Your interaction with RFK Jr didn’t feel right. It definitely felt personal to you when he attempted to explain why he believes childhood vaccines are a contributing factor to the rise of autism. I fully acknowledge that the rise of autism and the higher rate of childhood vaccine prevalence (1989 and after) could be a coincidental indicator; however, the fact that as a society we are no longer pursuing the cause of autism, and even worse, discouraging parents who don’t want to celebrate autism as being insensitive or unempathetic is highly problematic. I did not like how you didn’t even want to hear him out. I didn’t like how your opinion dominated his attempt to express his. You effectively did the same thing that the ABC host did when she edited his response and I’d even argue it was worse, since at the very least RFK Jr’s response is sitting in an ABC vault somewhere whereas you didn’t even allow him to respond when you inserted your personal opinion. What I heard with you and the RFK Junior interview smells a lot like what I used to see on MSM, especially CNN and MSNBC. Maybe you’re starting to insert your ego given the success of breaking points, which I am very happy about. I love both of my autistic nephews but I see how my siblings struggle financially and relationship-wise with their husbands. They are now getting shut down by parents who don’t have autistic children when they talk about the potential causes of autism. This is why I am seeing this as a societal pushback and I didn’t appreciate you adding to that as well.

RFK Jr. and Vaccines: What Counts as a Disqualifying "Red Line”?

Hi Krystal I’m wondering if you can respond to Glen Greenwald’s piece about you entitled, “RFK Jr. and Vaccines: What Counts as a Disqualifying "Red Line”?” Thanks James