Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Antivax, lunatics

Are you going to apologize to your audience for Krystal's unreasonable line of questioning toward the end of the RFK Jr. interview? She pulled a "how long have you been beating your wife," kind of catch-22, which doesn't help us understand his true positions or how he arrived at them. The comments were brutal so I know I'm not the only one.

Car dependency

Saagar’s recent monologue about the price of used cars highlighted what I feel is one of the few major blind spots for both Saagar and Krystal combined, perhaps because they are from car dependent regions of the US. Whenever they discuss the environment and automobiles, the discussion of solutions is usually limited to EVs and never questions car dependency. Nearly all other developed countries in the world have realized that trains, buses, bikes, and mixed use development are so much better in nearly every way…for human health, for the environment, and especially for the financial solvency of towns and cities. So my question/request: Would you consider doing an interview with the non-partisan group called Strong Towns USA? It’s just the type of content that Saagar and Krystal like to highlight…deep analysis and looking for solutions instead of tired partisan bickering. The key insight of Strong Towns is that car-dependent sprawl is financially disastrous for American towns and as Saagar recently highlighted, car dependency can also devastate one’s personal finances. Americans deserve modern public transportation and bike infrastructure ASAP. Love the show and listen every day :)

What should I do with my investments in this situation?

With the debt limit standoff about to go critical, is it time to pull my money out the market and sit on the sidelines? I know you are not financial experts but I’d love to hear your take on how you plan to ride out this upcoming potential economic mayhem.

Did the federal government confiscate your classified data?

You mentioned on your Monday show. "Whenever we had our hands on the those initial Pentagon documents." Did US authorities take away those files or hack them? Have you lost access to this information as reporters protected by the first amendment?

Public Transit

Saagar's recent monologue on used cars was informative, but I was surprised to hear him say that the solution to expensive used car prices is we need MORE cars. Most "developed" countries have decent public transit systems. It's quite odd that outside of maybe 5 major cities, our country isn't built for walking, biking or public transit. What are your thoughts?