Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Given the recent Tucker, Rogan interview I’d like to know what your perspective is. Do you believe the official government narrative on 9/11?

Let the people talk

Howdy, One thing that's super frustrating about your show and every other is that you never from regular people. The people on the street. Politicians and you all spend all your time on X and interviewing "experts". But no time talking to the people in the streets. So here's my suggestion. At least once a month, pick 50 random subscribers and put them on your show. Dedicate the whole show to hearing what they have to say and asking them questions. Uncensored, with the only rule being guests have to be considerate. You both believe in free speech. Then let your listeners talk. Now more than ever, you all and the politicians need to hear from the people. Many thanks,

DC recodmendations and strava

dear Krystal and Saagar, I am coming up to the swamp to visit my friend who attends the hunter biden school (aka Georgetown) do you guys have any favorite restaurants in DC? PS also saagar can we follow you on strava to support your Lance Armstrong era but I completely understand if not cause its like insanely easy to dox yourself

Marshall Kosloff in Documentary

Hey guys, it would be great if you could address this video that was posted by Breaking Points contributor James Li that shows a clip from a documentary where Saagar’s podcast cohost Marshall claims he took money from pro-Israel groups to provoke pro-palestine student groups.

Civil War

What did you think of the film Civil War? Specifically, what did you think of the depiction of war journalism?