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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Breaking Points Live?

My wife and I LOVE your show. Seriously, you’ve restored our faith in news media. Thank you! Do you have any plans to do live events? We would love to come to a talk led by you two.


To what extent, if any, do you think Reps. backing Trump has to do with keeping him placated enough so he does not form his own party and nothing, or very little, with actually backing whatever he calls policies.

How could you miss this?

Ever since I watched your show when you discussed the people who do not want to get the vaccine. 40% said they would rather quit than get the Vaccine. Then when it came down to it only 2% actually did loose their jobs. Your comments about how they didn't "follow through" missed the entire point. IN our current economy there are very few middle class citizens who can afford to just quit their jobs. The point is that almost half of these people do not want to be forced to take a Vaccine against their will. The real story is that Americans are being forced to choose Food and Shelter over Freedom!! In America in 2021 Americans are being forced to choose Food and Shelter over Freedom!! I'm sad and terrified that it's come to this. I'm sad that neither of you saw this.

Critical Race Theory

I am a Premium Member: Saagar, do you realize you are alienating large segments of progressive blacks and whites by saying how much you hate Critical Race Theory and then go on to repeat right wing talking points about how CRT posits that all whites are endemically racist? That's not what CRT is about. It's about how racism is suffused through out US history and culture. It is not an indictment of each individual white. I'm not convinced CRT is the most salient interpretation of US history, but you are reinforcing the worst republican tendencies, along with the Greg Abbots and Ron DeSantises of the world, implicitly endorsing active censorship of an arguably valid perspective on history. You don't like censorship? Then don't repeat and endorse rationales of the worst censors. Why not invite serious scholars on the question, pro and con, to discuss CRT, as well as censorship, onto your show? Don't just repeat Tucker Carlson talking points. It's more than unbecoming.

UAW member for Chrysler(Stellantis) on Kellogg

So this isn’t a question but I wanted to also add more info on how FCA/Stellantis are doing similar to things at out plants. I’ve been an employee for 10+ years here and started off as a Two tier worker. We have MANY TPT(temporary workers who should only work 90 days then be rolled over or let go) that have been working here for 2+ years without any word on being Hired full time. Since Returning from the first covid lockdown, we have worked 6 days a week pretty consistently. They called a Critical Plant Status(required to work 90 days in a row) at our plant (we build the RAM and TRX Rams trucks) at the end of September which will go til the day before Christmas eve. And they keep bringing in more and more tpts while still not hiring any of the currently working ones. We have TPTs training other TPTs how to do jobs all over the place here. While I’m happy the UAW is fighting for Kellogg’s workers, here at the plants, we trust our UAW about as much as Americans trust mainstream media. Not sure if this helps at all but thank you for all you guys do!