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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Krystal's ineffective hair skin and nails vitamin You might like this one a lot better. Has pretty good reviews.

Alternative Tax System???

What is your opinion, if any, on the Automated Payment Transaction Tax… It was envisioned to replace all federal taxes and possibly (please) fund UBI and Medicare for All in a revenue neutral system that could be as low as 2% split on either side of the transaction…. It would have to be gradually introduced to avoid shocks to the systems, but that approach could also work with the UBI rollout… This way we could replace the Social Security card with a American Benefits card and it could work as your national ID as well as your Medicare card… No more filing out taxes for individuals and no more need to pad the business expenses to reduce tax burdens, also no way to escape it by hiring a fixer. It was proposed by a Republican economist back in 2005 I think 🤔, but I only stumbled upon it recently… Just feel like it needs to be looked at again to see if it is a possible alternative that we could use to fix the mess that our system has become…

Suggestion for year end challenge

For the year end challenge mentioned in the last AMA, I suggest a fashion show where you can both bring your best outfits (and ties) to show all the fans of the show. Thank you for all that you do!

Following the Saagar's Money.

Question for Saagar, Your show The Realignment is sponsored by a group known as the Lincoln Network, an open recipient of Koch money and your show specifically receives money from the Hewletts (billionaire tech oligarchs.). Please explain how you justify this; this seems hypocritical given your criticism of corporate influence on media. Thanks.

Why is CNN hyping the MIC?

What does CNN stand to gain by trying to keep the US in Afghanistan? I understand Raytheon's angle but why is CNN helping them? Can you follow the money for me?