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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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CNN back pedaling on JRE podcast

What is CNN doing with these articles back pedaling the podcast with CNN medical advisor Dr. Sanjay Gupta & Joe Rogan?

The consequences of inaction..

Here is an important story that could benefit from greater exposure:

Anti-Corp Party?

Your interview with Andrew Yang got me thinking about 3rd parties. I think the primary platforms of ranked choice voting and UBI is great. However, with our current system of both Dems and GOP being bought by corporations, I think a true balancing lever would be a strictly Anti-Corporation party that stays away from culture topics and focuses on a primary objective, to disempower corporations. Is there such a thing? I would love to hear y’all’s thoughts on the idea of a worldwide anti-corp party. Keep up the good work! Best, Jesse in Portland.


What will it take for us to start manufacturing more products on our own shores?

The National Debt

Hi Krystal and Saagar, I am concerned about our national debt which is currently at over $28 trillion. It seems ever since 9/11 we have been spending profusely and in my opinion it has gone out of control. What impact does this have on us and future generations? I am worried about what my child will have to deal with in the future. Should we be worried about the debt continuing to grow? It seems hypocritical that an individual who may have a lot of debt would have to declare bankruptcy while the federal government can continuously increase its debt ceiling. Would love to hear your thoughts. You both are awesome! Love the show and thank you for always keeping it real. Regards, Rafael Shamilov Yorktown, VA