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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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10/28/21 A Billionaire Funded News Operation

Not really a question… I (and I’m sure many others) really appreciate the impartial reporting in this segment. Thanks guys. Not sure if you guys do or not. But it would probably be a good idea to watch episodes to see if you guys wanna make changes. Regardless of any bias that may fall into a segment, we all definitely appreciate your reporting. You are the voice for the growing populist segment or likely majority. Thanks and much love.

Oregon Vote By Mail

Having lived in Oregon for 45 years, it's shocking that more states don't adopt our vote-by-mail system. Seeing all the chaos and poor voter turnout, but not seeing anyone talking seriously about our solution is a bit perplexing. Curious to get your thoughts on this, in no small part because you both come from parts of the country that are very much not west coast.

Biases observed in your show

First of all, love you guys! Been a long time follower since The Hill days. I want to call out a couple of biases I have been noticing with the show. First of all, I think liberals are probably the only ones who are relentless in calling out their own parties and leaders. Shows like the Jimmy Dore show and Russell Brand have made a career out of that. Off late, it seems like your show is falling into that trap too. Would love to see a bit more balanced perspective - criticism and praise of both liberal and conservative policies. Secondly, I do understand the power of bad to hook people in. But your stories seem far too focused on the limitations of our leaders and their policies. How about some positive stories of some unsung heroes who make a difference in this political climate? Again, they could be from either party.

Supply Chain And Labor issues

Love YOU guys! This is the best breakdown, to include labor shortages, labor issues that are not being dealt with and overall supply chain issues. Sorry it is not a question but this is gold for explaining why and how Trucking companies are not going to fix this issue.

Independant - Checks and Balances?

Since you obviously dislike other media outlets for their biases, do you have any internal checks and balances to prevent your own independent platform from becoming one sided? Obviously, Krystal is pro union, a question I would ask her is, "Are there any employment situations in which you think a Union is not necessary?" Sometimes I get the idea that she thinks every employee should be in a union.