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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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An interview with BNN

Would you ever be willing to have an interview with the guys from BNN (Bad News Network) I believe some conversations toward military veterans support, and or perhaps something to do with Afghanistan could be an enlightening discussion.

Canadian Frack Drilling in Pristine Namibia

Oil and gas exploration in Namibia’s pristine Kavango region (plus aggressive stock promotion) by Canadian company ReconAfrica has spiked local and international interest in the Okavango River Basin. ReconAfrica promises their oil & gas project will generate vast riches for investors, boost the Namibian economy, and cause no lasting harm to the environment. Concerned citizens, scientists and activists warn the opposite. Like the Niger Delta before it, Namibia would pay far more in terms of permanent damage to its traditional communities, fertile agricultural lands, pristine ecosystems and precious water resources than any short term, foreign-dominated profit would generate. Is such a high-impact project going to be worth the reward of promised development for a poor African country? FYI: Here's my take on it: Curious to hear yours.

Liz Cheney

Do you think Liz Cheney should quit the GOP and join the Dems? She would be a great presidential candidate for them. Or maybe she should just run as an independent in 2024. The dems need someone to be their presidential candidate. I know she's very conservative but the dems are looking at total antihalation

James McMurty - We Can't Make It Here Anymore

Can we get Mr. James McMurty to play "We Can't Make It Here Anymore" live in studio for our music fans?


Why was my comment deleted off of premium channel?. As a premium subscriber and a vaccinated person ? I was asking why after new studies that keep coming showing that the viral load of a vaccinated person and unvaccinated are virtually the same and with the delta variant you are just as likely to spread the virus vaccinated or not. I sited a Bloomberg article that was reference a year long study from the Lancet which is a reliable source When I returned today to see if you responded it had been deleted here is the Bloomberg article I sited I am asking for you to update the vaccine rhetoric as new information has come out and not trust the establishment narrative.