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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021

In slogging through H.R.4, it appears that it appears that, in addition to voting rights/protections for the defined minority populations, this bill effectively moves all power to the US Attorney General. ( judgment, enforcement, monies awarded, ability to move to a federal court, etc.) I think that the fact that the AG is a political appointee should raise some red flags. What are your thoughts about this change?

Saagar WTF Biden using bully pulpit.

Do you even remember the 2020 election cycle? Biden ran a campaign from his basement. HIS BASEMENT. He let Trump shoot himself in the foot, and let the DEM control liberal media Tonya Harding Bernie Sanders. THAT's what happened. Bully pulpit my ass.

Have you seen this story? I’ve been following this for a few days now. Also, you should interview Michael Hudson on his views of China and economy.

My family

Long time listener of your show! I have a question. How can I help rebuild my family? Half my family doesn't believe in vaccines and the other half refuses to be around anyone without a vaccine. We don't get together anymore and if we try to get together it turns into a fight. I'm vaccinated and feel like I'm in the middle of it all and I'm missing spending time with my family. What advice do you have to help my family unite? Thanks!

1/11/22 More research/precision about Covid

I believe I speak for everyone, when I say we listen to you because we trust you more than corporate media. That being said, when it comes to right wing supported ideas, you guys (mainly Saagar) tend to be very precise, presenting studies or evidence of some sort. This is not always the case coming from the left wing angle. This is most obvious in discussing Covid. You guys don’t typically cover vaccine skeptical data (such as that from McCullough, the Weinsteins, etc.). That’s not your angle. You guys generally promote the vaccine and that’s fine. We do get some natural immunity, therapeutic, counter narrative exchange from time to time though. And it’s appreciated. My only ask is that you be as precise with the vaccine narrative as you are with the counter narrative. Instead of just saying the vaccine reduces death and hospitalization, give some figures. If you don’t have any data to back that up, it’s irresponsible to perpetuate that narrative. Biases will creep in, but try to be honest. We love you guys. Keep up the good work.