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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Dr. Prasad interview

Thank you for the Dr. Prasad interview. I have criticism with his persistent comments regarding the vaccine lowering young individuals risk of being hospitalized. Yes, clearly that is true. But he should have dived into the actual risk that a young, healthy, unvaccinated individual would be hospitalized to begin with. I’ve had vaccinated friends ages 20-40 head to the hospital after they or their children tested positive. They thought they were going to die. Symptoms were that of a cold + the addition of fever. Not one was hospitalized… How can media, doctors, scientists, politicians, and general public approach this without being belittled as anti-vax?

College Debt Crisis Possible Solutions

Hey Crystal really love your take on labor and your honesty of how many graduates today are in debt and what they are having to sacrifice to survive. My question is this, if college subsidies we're removed entirely would America be better or worse off? Removing subsidies would force college tuition down, because no bank would lend that kind of money to 18 year old kids, but low income kids would be disproportionately affected since they would have a harder time getting in. Is saddling low income families with mountains of debt worth getting those kids access to a college education. Would love to hear your thoughts.

What will it take to end authoritarianism

Do you believe that there is a coordinated effort to distribute the vaccine pushed mainly by nefarious actors? Corrupt media and government are agreeing on mandates, does this raise alarms for you? The same government who funded the virus is forcing the treatment, do you believe standing with Robert W. Malone and 16,000 scientists will make any difference, or should I turn to more radical action? @krystal, is there a place for me here even though I am for vaccine choice, instead of the stopping boot of forcing me to make the most sacred choices I ever could make.

Spotify "Your Shows"

Why doesn't doesn't Breaking Points show up in my personal "Your Shows" section on Spotify? Other podcasts that I both follow and request notifications for show up immediately (Joe Rogan, Huberman Lab, etc). It's more convenient to scroll down and click rather than search the show. I think it's curious that your show doesn't populate and it's worth looking into. Assuming it would increase engagement.

Democracy Now!

What are your thoughts about Democracy Now!? Amy and her crew have been champions of the left for many years.