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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Greta Thurnberg vs. Little Girl questioning Dan Crenshaw

When covering Greta awhile back, something was said along the lines of, "if she's going to put herself in these types of situations, she should be handled as a mature adult instead of looking at her as a child." Not a direct quote. But why then are we upset that Dan Crenshaw gets snippy with a "little girl?" She seemed to be able to handle herself very well. She went up and asked the question, she was dealt with as an adult.

Rogan Segments

Premium subscriber. Enjoy your show. Quite honestly I heard about you on a Rogan podcast almost a few years ago now. I was looking for honest news on Trump. What’s he actually doing that’s bad and maybe, actually even good. Not just turn on a channel and someone is kissing his a** or flip to another and complaining about how everything (good or bad) he does. I was satisfied. For the most part, this has continued with Biden. However I have noticed you have a reluctance to ever critique Joe. I enjoy listening to his podcast on various episodes but I think everyone deserves to be scrutinized. Is this something you will do?


So you guys don't see a problem that we don't have a reliable adverse events reporting system for this experimental vaccine? Sounds to me you are spreading misinformation that this vaccine is safe!!

Small businesses (restaurants) and the new 'work from home' norm

From Jordan Ehly, (ee-lee) Hey Krystal and Saagar. Premium subscriber from the start and big fan from before. As a software developer, work from home seems to have become the new norm across my industry. Before the pandemic, my workplace had a wonderful office culture with periodic catered lunches and happy hours at local bars and restaurants. Since then, my workplace has strongly supported those that would like to work from home permanently. As a result, VERY few have chosen to return to the office. With that context, what do you see for the future of these restaurants and coffee shops and bars that had strong support from the surrounding workplaces that are now empty? I personally support my company's move to "work from home", but I feel terrible for these local businesses that are struggling as a result.

Love & Politics

What role, if any does politics play when it comes to your dating/married life? Do you find it hard/impossible to date/marry someone who is apolitical or has a very different ideology from what you all believe? I myself find it hard to look past when someone is into tribal politics and thinks either party is fighting for regular people.