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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Will the UFOs stop a nuclear war from happening?

Given the recent concerns about a potential nuclear war breaking out, can we count on the UFOs to intervene if the materialization of this scenario becomes imminent? Don't the UFOs need to protect their kin who are living secretly among us?

Should I care more about unions?

Hey Krystal and Saagar! I have listened to so many of your segments on unionization and union busting, but just can’t get interested. I work a cozy white-collar job for a small non-profit and unions are so far out of my purview. Is disinterest by much of the comfortable white-collar workforce a major issue with larger union politics?

Monkeypox! Please dig into this outbreak

BP team, please dig into this Monkeypox worldwide outbreak. It’s too coincidental that this very outbreak/attack was simulated to occur on the exact year, month, and week that it actually happened in reality. Here is the link to NTI website referring to the simulated attack. Here is the full report which shows the attack occurring in mid-May 2022, where it actually happened that monkeypox escaped Africa for the first time since 1958 and now we’re seeing cases world wide! Mandatory quarantine in Belgium already

What are the differences between the Democratic/Corporate Democratic Party and the Left/Progressive party

Does the Progressive party care about anything other than the culture war/ "wokeness"? Is the Corporate Democratic party synonymous for "Republican party that wants healthcare for all"? Or do Democrats even care about universal healthcare anymore? What are the differences between team Democrat and team Progressive? Been a fan since the Rising Days; and now Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are my favorite days of the week. Thank you for everything. -Patrick

How to fix single family housing profiteering?

I was curious what types of responses to single family housing (SFH) profiteering have been enacted or could be enacted on a municipal, county or state level. Large corporations are obviously a major player in driving up costs in this space, but also dual income tech/managerial class households (especially post-pandemic) are also in the game flipping houses for short term gain or long term rental income. Has anyone tried a tiered property tax system that increases the amount of taxes per SFHs based on the # of SFHs owned by one legal entity? Ideas like significantly increasing rental income if the property is a SFH? Has there been any push on a federal level to reenact the restriction in the number of SFH that can be owned by a company that were removed by the Obama administration in 2008?