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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Austrian School of Economics

With absolute admiration, I have a sight criticism. Inflation, interest rates, hard money, cantillion effect, state ineffectiveness. Simple/ understandable answers are available Would you be interested in having an Austrian economist on? Bob Murphy, Tom Woods or really any of the LP Mises Caucus. They are all excellent. Love y’all love the show. Johnny O

Press Secretary Rankings

I'm curious how Krystal and Saagar would evaluate all of Biden and Trump's Press Secretaries.

Supreme Court Coverage

I know you guys will cover the Gun and Probably abortion case, but as someone who follows the court closely, I think the audience could really stand to have a fuller picture of what the court is doing on a more regular basis. For instance a few recent cases with major impacts to average working class people Patel v Garland: you can be wrongfully deported due to government error and you cannot bring evidence to prove your claim (5-4 Gorsuch dissented) Shinn v Ramirez: the state can provide you inadequate representation which causes you to be wrongfully convicted and you cannot provide evidence that state was wrong (Barry Jones is set to be executed despite his innocence being proven in federal court) Egbert v Boule: a federal agent can violate your 4th amendment rights and you cannot sue them for damages Shoop v Tywford: If you have need to get a medical test done to provide evidence that your sentence is cruel and unusual, the state has no obligation to allow you to do so Vega v Tokoh: if the state fails to mirandize you, you cannot sue the state for damages resulting from harm caused by Constitutional violations. This is all in the passed month and is all being undercovered as a result of Roe/Gun cases. I love when you guys bring to light under the radar coverage, and I think it would be cool to talk about the implications for regular people who are slowly losing their rights.

Krystal: Puberty blocker Lupron

Krystal seems to be very informed on puberty blockers, I would like to hear her insight on Lupron which came to light in Matt Walsh's what is a woman.

Video content for Spotify

Hi guys, just wondering if the video portion of episodes will ever come to Spotify in the future. Apologies if you've already answered this a million times already. Thanks for everything you do, - Jared Boe