Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Tear-sheets in Episode Notes

I love how you both work so hard to describe the tear-sheets, graphics, etc. for us “audiophiles.” Just a thought, could you link these in the episode notes, so we could still see them if we want. Thanks for your commitment to making this show the best it can be, and get it out on time!

Acupuncture/Chiropractic as Snake Oil

Pretty bummed to hear Krystal lump in Acupuncture/Chiropractic with her list of "snake oils." Lots of scientific studies show the efficacy of both (for certain conditions) and to lump them in with unregulated and poorly studied supplements seems irresponsible, and possibly even harmful (dissuading people from therapies that could be life changing). Did you have any research to back up this claim? As an acupuncturist in Northern Virginia, I would be interested in hearing why you think it is appropriate to lump these all together. The sheer number of studies for acupuncture alone should more than put to rest the idea that it is snake oil. I know you guys are fans of science on the show, so why not here as well. If you would like to research it further, I suggest Or just stop by my practice at some point and I would be more than willing to talk about it.

"Vaccine Mandates Work"

When I see headlines in elite Leftist news outlets, and President Biden himself say that "vaccine mandates work," I'm hardly impressed. It's not surprising that people can be coerced into doing something they don't want to do if the government threatens their livelihoods. My question is this: What limits should there be on the government's authority to threaten people's livelihoods by fining employers? Who should decide whether that authority should apply? What are the implications of allowing the government this kind of power when control of the government inevitably changes hands? Please focus on the 80 million Americans that Biden mentioned in his speech, and not just health care workers etc. Also please keep in mind many employers intend to mandate vaccines rather than allow weekly testing because of the prohibitive cost.

Worker shortage

How much of the worker shortage is due to the 700 000 deaths due to COVID-19?

Millionth Subscriber Challenge

You just answered your own question as to what you can do for your first million subscribers: Since money in politics is the lynchpin around which all corruption exists, take that issue and Blow It Up! 1. Create/publicize/link a list of all Federal & State candidates (and their parties, AND the jufges) and who is donating to them and redline the bastards & green line the good guy Doner’s; 2. Co-ordinate with similar, investigative journalists websites to dissect a topic (like money in politics before, during and after an election AND after the elected term is over, where are they now, etc.) and string it out over time to keep the issue in the spotlight; 3. Help the money out of politics movement to organize, conjoin & focus their power and then publicize it/them. Commit to a year, hand it off (if you want) and start another Issue. Rinse & repeat.