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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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could you post the video version of the store on Spotify premium?

Could the video version of the show be posted in Spotify premium? That would be great!

Breaking Points Newsletter

Would it be possible to eventually publish a Breaking Points Newsletter? It would be great to have Breaking Points in my Apple News feed, or even a mail list that sends the Newsletter out along with each episode. (Please support dark mode if you do this - way easier on the eyes if reading at different hours around the globe). I think that the Newsletter would also be a great marketing tool (if made free) that would draw unsubscribed viewers into the Breaking Points Video subscription. This would allow your content to reach more viewers around the world and ultimately broaden your audience. I really appreciate all of the work you and your team put into Breaking Points; and I’ll continue to recommend it to everyone I know who’s looking for a more fair and balanced news source.

Are Unions really on the rise ?

I’m a member of the IAFF and just quit the union today, along with 11 others in my Local. Firefighters have one the strongest unions in the country, and they absolutely failed to represent members in Washington over Gov Inslee’s mandates. Locals all the across the state have members leaving the union, since they have shown time and time again, that the IAFF and WSCFF (state council) place politics over people.

Katie Couric

The people want to know Krystal's Katie Couric story. Tell us all about it.

Boomer Bashing

Saagar especially, and Krystal occasionally, bash the Boomer generation for many, or most of the ills, now facing the U.S. The post war generation, those born between 1928 and 1945 are the ones we boomers blame for most of the current social and economic woes plaguing us now. I'm sure that some future generation will be bashing Gen X and the Millennials for their leadership. With all of the social and economic changes during the 60s, Boomers played a huge role. The older two generations clamped down on many of those changes. What is your rational for bashing the Boomers on most every show? Inquiring minds want to know.