Ask Me Anything

with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Ukraine, Putin and game theory

What do you think Putin's goal(s) are in Ukraine?

But What About the Babies?

Hey guys, really love your show and share it with all my friends! As a Christian, I find myself in an interesting position with the recent Roe V Wade decision, and feel like the bigger picture and root cause is being ignored. Maybe we wouldn't have so many women seeking abortion if having babies was actually supported in this country. And no one wants to talk about the fall out of this decision: all the new babies that may be in our communities. How are we going to support them? What about supporting the women who have them? Is anyone in power actually talking about this?

EPA 6-28 show

At 1:05:06 +- in the show the slide was put up with the subtitle "Industrial pollution rises from the "smoke stack" chimney of a factory power plant. I highlight "smoke stack" because they are not smoke stacks but Cooling towers. The steam that is created to power a steam turbine to create electricity is then sent to a Cooling tower so that the steam/hot water can be cooled and reused through the process. The end product is simply water vapor rising into the air. This is just another example of the Corporate Media pushing its propaganda towards the public with mis or dis information (I hate using those terms) to continue its agenda . Maybe you can use this and other examples for a segment in the future? Regards Todd Herman

January 6 Prisoners

How about a story about the 50 or so people being held in solitary with no trial date and no charges filed? All of this in violation of the 6th Amendment right to a speedy trial You might not like these people, but as American Citizens they have rights

Pro life movement a failure?

Taking aside the agreement or disagreement with the pro life position. I am wondering if you would agree that the pro life movement is a cautionary tale. Although they are a well organized and powerful interest, unlike the gay marriage movement, pro life activists convinced zero people before getting a decision from the Supreme Court. They now face nationwide backlash. Should other movements learn to focus efforts on convincing the American people while also being organized and efficient in the halls of power?