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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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The problem with abortions is the spectrum answer to a yes no question.

Abortions should have never been a moral/religious issue. It should have and should be a civil rights issue,. If its a moral/religious issue. You pick pro life save the children. if its a civil rights issue. you pick 9 month body autonomy or woman are not equal to men and therefore slaves. For me its a civil rights issue. What are your thoughts. When you nit-pick on rape/incest/whatever...what your really doing is deflecting the issue...Which is civil rights of women.

Video on Spotify?

Can you upload videos to Spotify? Would prefer to watch you on there but like having the video!

Bring in Legal Expert to Discuss Dobbs?

Is there a legal expert you trust to walk through some of the facets of the Dobbs decision? I've been seeing a lot of coverage, including on Breaking Points, which doesn't match the (conservative libertarian) legal blogs I read and it might help to talk through that disconnect. For example, all the bloggers I read immediately dismissed the significance of the Thomas concurrence and also believed this Supreme Court would strike down state laws criminalizing travel for an abortion.

Can you discuss why we should Uncap the House (repeal the Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929)?

Love this show. Can you research and write about the Permanent Apportionment Act of 1929? The Hill had an article published about it in 2018… To make the House of Representatives work again, make it bigger I know that getting this Act repealed right now has as much of a chance of getting done as a third party candidate winning the White House, but most Americans don’t realize that the 435 limit on the House of Reps is a mirage. This Act is one area where bipartisanship handicapped or stunted our democracy, and this Act is still hurting our democracy to this day. I agree with The Hill author that raising the current limit from 435 would make our democracy more representative of our nation and would improve voting rates. More seats should increase women and minorities holding seats in the house. At the very least, there would be more opportunities for women and minorities to compete for and hold seats in Congress. It might also make it a bit harder to Gerrymander districts. To repair our democracy, we not only need to get Big $ interest out of our political campaigns and curb gerrymandering but we also need to increase membership in the House of Representatives. We can walk and chew gum at the same time. Our Progressive forebears did so in response to the Robber Baron and Guilded Ages in our past. We can do it too.

Does pandering to the better nature of billionaires actually get things done?

You could make the argument that Elon’s Tesla has had a bigger impact in addressing climate change than any US Government policy. Recently, another billionaire (Mark Cuban) has developed an online pharmacy to make medicine more affordable. With both political parties unwilling to take on either of these pressing issues with any urgency, does putting pressure on billionaires to do the right thing increase the likelihood of something happening?