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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Corporate Subsidies

I would love to hear about, in detail, corporate subsidies. I would like to know how much, who gets them, purpose, and real impact on market behaviors.

Will Lehman

I was wondering if ya'll watched the debate of UAW presidential candidates? Have you any plans to cover this historic election? I am a retired from General Motors and will be voting for Will Lehman, Macunzie, Pennsylvania Mack Truck worker. Will calls himself a socialist. I would qualify that designation' as his platform states workers need to organize on a global scale, and suggest that he is more specifically a Trotskyist or perhaps Internationalist. Perhaps you could have him on the show. Thanks Bruce.

Krystal has a wikipedia page. Saagar doesn't. What gives

Why doesn't Saagar Enjeti have his own Wikipedia page.


Why doesn’t the DNC want Bernie to be president? I’ve been told because they don’t think he would win, but I don’t believe that answer.. I think he would have won 2016 easily.

American Capitalism

When I was going to school in the late 80’s/early 90’s (yeah – I’m old!), I remember learning about American capitalism. I was taught that although businesses should make money, there were also certain businesses that had to be run by the government because they couldn’t make a profit without pricing out the people who needed the service. The example was always public busing. If public busing was run to make a profit, it would be too expensive for those who needed it. As an adult looking at the several problems we face, I keep thinking about this lesson. One of the most obvious examples being in healthcare and insulin. Pricing healthcare out of the reach of the unhealthy makes zero sense. Was I the only one who learned about this in school? Did this view change over time or was I a super naïve child who believed the fairy tale fed to me? Thanks for creating such a great show! I love you guys!