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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Live Shows!

Hey KNS! Have you considered for future live shows having a "pay-per-view" for the people who would like to attend, but can't because they don't live in the area (i.e. the Chicago show)?

Ukrainian student in my child's preschool, thoughts?

Hello! I recently learned at my child's preschool on the Main Line outside of Philadelphia there is a Ukrainian student. She does not speak English, her family was in Germany for 6 months and is now in the United States. She seems very sweet and gets along with all of the other children, but we are aware she likely doesn't pay tuition, and the family is getting quite a bit of special treatment. While this is certainly out of the goodness of people's hearts at the school, I can't help but think about American children in the ghettos of Philadelphia 15 miles away who are deserving of a free opportunity like this. What are your thoughts? This is a privately run preschool so it is certainly up to the owner how they run everything. It's not like our taxes are paying for it, but obviously our tuition money is.

Disability and Medicare

I would love for one of you to dig into the horrible practice of a two year waiting period for Medicare once you are granted permanent disability from the government. I am ok because I had a job that had great benefits if you become disabled but I am very worried about others . This makes no sense to me

NeoCon talking points on Ukrainian proxy war with Russia.

As much as you bang on about being alternative to MSM, it seems to me that you are fully aligned with their talking points on US proxy war with Russia and China. Do you look at anything else other than Vicky Nuland talking points and her husband's war mongering from the Institute for the Study of War. From the same brightest and best who brought us all the good times from VietNam to Afghanistan.

Transparency on live show ticket sales!

Hey, where does the money go when I buy a ticket to the live show? Again, sounding like a broken record, but listening to the cast of the AMAs live nearly did me in. Not being able to be there, yet I couldn't even give my second row tickets away. It made me sad. Not a waste, as I hope that the proceeds from the ticket sales are put to good use. Adam from Toronto