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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Un-serious republican candidates?

Maybe it’s because I lean right and would like to see a candidate I truly believe in but why do all of the republican candidates just seem like in caricatures of what a politician is? To me it seems like a lot of democratic candidates like Bernie, RFK Jr, Maryanne Williamson eta truly believe in their messages but I don’t see that on the other side.

RFK question

Can someone please interrogate this man on his relationship with Jeffery Epstein, and inquire whether further investigation should be pursued?


Can you send me a link to merch if you have any.

Presidential Pardon Power

Is it unreasonable to consider a scenario where Trump is elected despite a flurry of federal charges and state charges but is somehow able to use the pardon power to pardon himself (I'm pretty sure he would not be able to pardon himself for the state charges, however).


I think the reason why the latest UFO story isn’t as big as it should be is because there isn’t any physical evidence. If we had pics or videos of the “crafts” that are in our possession I think the people would finally respond. Until then, I think it’s a losing battle? That said, if the alien crafts are real, what is your best guess where they came from and what were they doing here? Are we in a simulation?