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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Why not break THE bifggest UFO story of the century

Take some time Saager and really break the news on discloure.

Golf with Kyle

Seeing as Kyle is legit BP family now and a golfer why not have him give us a detailed breakdown of this golf thing with Saudi from a golfer's perspective?

Debt Ceiling

Greatly enjoy your show and love the different perspectives. I'm very curious if Krystal can elaborate on her opinion that it was wrong of the Republicans to ask for cuts in spending in order to raise the limit. I personally find it extremely frustrating that we have a $30+ Trillion dollar debt and more people don't say we need to cut our spending and stop living off future generations. I liken it to a family that is maxing out their credit cards and never considers what they're spending just keeps finding new ways to borrow more. Would seem insane. In general I think you both have level headed analysis on topics but this one seems crazy to me so I'm wondering what I'm missing. Thanks for your time.

Trump Policy

Hi Krystal and Saagar big fan of the show. Do you think we're giving Trump to much credit for his policy takes on the campaign trail? Last time in 2016 he said he would do a bunch of populist policies but only pass a tax cut for the rich. Should we be looking at Trump policy positions this time with a major grain of salt? Trump saying he can "solve Ukraine in 24 hours but isn't going to tell us how" I just don't believe him on anything. Trump only cares about himself and will say anything to get elected again. What are your thoughts?

Expansion of Breaking Points

Now that Breaking Points is growing and expanding their reach with a new studio and such, how are you guys going about looking for new talents (if you are) and what in particular are you looking for?