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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Love you guys, but Saager please learn the difference between regime and regimen! So petty, I know, but it kept pulling me out of tuesdays show

Long term impact of filibuster reform

Thank you Krystal & Saagar for all you do! I don't understand filibuster reform. Democrats talk about how the GOP wants to strip your rights and make America into the Handmaid's Tale. If filibuster reform is done, when the GOP gets power again they will be able to basically do whatever they want and dems won't be able to stop them. Do the dems not realize this? Do they not care? Do they think republicans will never get power again? It seems like they are prioritizing "short term profits" over long term integrity. I'm reminded of the supreme court nominee reforms which happened during Clinton (I think) which was a win for democrats and the time, and not so long later, conservatives control a 6 - 3 in SCOTUS. I never see this discussed. Please help me understand.

Nina Turner

Does Nina Turner understand the purpose of the filibuster? Maybe should should do less yelling and more reading of the Federalist Papers. I am all for the people who want to vote having the ability to vote, but to get rid of the deliberative house would be horrible for our republic.

Why ignore the obvious?

A majority of the recent news surrounds the outrage over voting rights and the filibuster. Why won’t anyone on the left address the issue of free, mandatory voter ids? Wouldn’t this solve many issues that surround voter security, integrity and access? Wouldn’t this make remote voting more accessible? Please reference the Atlantic article:

Future appetite for populist right

As a college student who has populous Republican views (socially more right while eocononically left/ progressive) who has aspirations to run for office later in life, it seems more and more discouraging to see where politics is going and it feels like I am becoming more politically homeless if anything. Do you think that there will be any room in the Republican Party in the future to have young populous voices who actually care about the working class’ economic needs or do you think that a third party like Andrew Yang’s new party is the best way to go?