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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Sinema vs Pelosi

Would you please describe the mindset many in media and congress are saying that Sinema and Manchin are destroying democracy. Im having a hard time to understand the notion. Aside from 2 Democrats aren't going along willingly with the party I don't get how this can legitimately be stated. With all the rancor about how Sinema is destroying democracy, how is Pelosi's comments about congressional members trading stocks not an even greater death kneel to democracy being shouted in the same breath. I see standing up for your beliefs, even when it means going against one's own party, to be near the apex of bravery. Like Romney's vote for impeachment (which was mentioned in a great story from The Hill).


Dear Saagar and Krystal, I love your guys show and think you both have great insights but I think you guys are deeply understanding Desantis ability on the national stage and his potential against primary run. I wouldn’t say he’s the favorite in that head to head battle but I think he has a good chance if he runs as I see alot of former maga Bros wane on Trump and see Desantis as more effective. I could see a Obama/Hillary type battle between the two. Wouldn’t you guys think Desantis has a real shot going forward? What is his ultimate future?

How have you influenced each other?

Hello Krystal and Saagar, long time listener and viewer, first time writer to the show. After a few weeks back, sometime before the holiday, the both of you had respectfully admitted that you influenced each other. Could you recall a specific argument that influenced you from your cohost? What are some of the overarching lessons you have learned from each other beyond (but not overlooking) the right and left being able to work together?

Life time member

I really want to become a lifetime member but can't afford the $1,500 in one shot. Can you plz create a monthly fee leading to that to make it more manageable?

Who will u endorse?

Hi Guys, been a member since the inception so happy to support your rise to stardom! Question: the only way I believe we will get this country on track is to remove politicians during elections. As your fame and credibility continue to rise, you both have the chance to help worthwhile candidates distinguish themselves from the dead weight. Will you be willing to use your celebrity to help the best chances we have at a better nation? PS ur doin God’s work I pray for your health and safety!! Much love, Ray