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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Hawaii, Red Hill, Navy, DC rally, US-Pacific Summit

Have to start by saying thank you for such an amazing body of work — longtime fan since Rising, recommended your 2020 book multiple times. This is more a plea than a question, because as a fan and amateur journalist I understand there are many factors that determine which topics make the cut for your show (including coverage by others, which I assure you could be more). But please, help keep up some pressure/focus in DC on the water crisis in Hawai‘i. There's even going to be a White House rally on 9/20 you could check out first, and it's a good starting point to discuss Americans in the Pacific ahead of the 9/28-29 US-Pacific Island Country Summit. The Honolulu Board of Water Supply’s test well recently showed potential contaminant migration from the Navy’s fuel leaks; apparently ‘non-actionable’ levels but still raising new alarms since BWS previously found no contamination in municipal lines. Please, do at least one segment on Red Hill — between the decades-long colonial militarism, crime against humanity, national security implications, energy policy tie-ins, government transparency and accountability factors, health and financial assaults on military and civilian, working class families, etc. — the topic seems right up your alley. Some good parallels to Camp Lejeune, NC, hopefully in terms of belated justice as well. No hard feelings if you don’t even see this, but again, huge fan and thank you for any attention to this ongoing issue from across the country. Take care!

As you scale

First off you 2 were amazing in ATL. My father and I were there and his question at the end of the night was he didn't seem to hear any drawbacks to unionizing. After 49 years in the Airline industry, while yes they ensure pilots get the benefits of having time off and rest and wide variety, this comes at a cost to the workers as well. He can recount many management disasters at Dell caused by the stranglehold that a union can have on managements ability to be flexible. The question: have you investigated into any of the UAW or Pilots unios and talked to their long term members to see how they feel in the other side towards the end of their careers? Thank You

Where do you find your basic news?

When you are looking for news, basic news.. for example "Hurricane barring down on wherever" or "Mass Shooting at wherever" or "Country A invades Country B" or "Politician does bad thing," Where do you go to find the basic information? I ask because I find it harder and harder to not be seething angry at all the sources for basic news. The writers at the Associated Press, Reuters, The Guardian, and obviously CBS/NBC/ABC/CNN/FOX are all in one way or another partisan and I find myself trusting them less and less. Again, clarification.. This is for basic news, not dissemination - that I get from you guys or the Lever or the Intercept or your trusted and contributing members.

Breaking Points Constitution

The intention of all mainstream media started out pure and moral. But money and power can corrupt all humans that lack accountability to a constitution. What steps are Krystal & Sagar taking to ensure they remain accountable to their original intentions? A publicly available constitution of sorts might be a good idea. Don’t bother with a corporate list of BS “values “. Love you guys and I genuinely care about the longevity of what you have created.

Trump and gag orders

Can Trump be given a gag order if he is indicted?