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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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@ Counter Points what opinions if any do you have about the Forward Party?!?

Just hoping to hear Counter Points talk about the Forward Party


Krystal and Saagar, even if public transportation systems become increasingly more widespread in the U.S., do you think the general public will use them more often or do you think most people have become so accustomed to driving and flying that we can't acclimate ourselves to use public transit in the future? Also, when will the "That's Crazy Town!" merch be released and how can I buy? Y'all are great! Congrats Krystal and Kyle on the engagement! :D

Jared Polis 2024

Do you think Colorado Governor Jared Polis could successfully run in 2024 as a better replacement for Biden and Harris. He checks a lot of the democrat boxes. Progressive, LGTBQ, Pro Gen Z, and his love of South Park. Thoughts?

journalist who can report on corruption in the Medical Industrial Complex

PLEASE get someone on your team who is brave enough to accurately report on the corruption in the Medical Industrial Complex. Big Pharma has captured the regulatory agencies, the research institutions (including the medical journals). The HONEST and top doctors that speak out are being ruined. This is shredding any semblance of decent medical care in our country. When our doctors are petrified to speak up against the Big Pharma controlled policy guidelines ALL of us are at high risk!!

Blinds Spots

Krystal and Saager’s willingness to rationally and calmly criticize both political parties and public figures for what they do or don’t do without being partisan, and to disagree with each other without being disagreeable, is admirable and the primary reason I listen and subscribe. But we all have blind spots, like Saager and the cuisine of Europe. When management v. union issues come up, I can hear Krystal’s voice tighten and she seems like a bull seeing red; it’s the one topic where she doesn’t seem to allow herself any balance. I wonder, as an experiment, if we can have Krystal say three nice things about “management”?