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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Reason for low entrepreneurship in America.

Liked your takes on your AMA regarding why entrepreneurship in America is on the decline. While I think the massive debt from college is one reason, I would like to get your stance on what I think is another huge obstacle in starting your own business, and that is health insurance. Insurance is so ridiculously high that it has been attached to employment and needing your employer to pay for at least half of it. And if you are thinking about starting your own business that’s been a huge factor in my own decision.

How Does Student Loan Forgiveness Work?

I feel a description is lacking in how student loan forgiveness works, ie. , does anyone actually pay for it OR was it already paid for and we just aren't asking people to pay it back which is technically not costing anyone taxes in the future? Shouldn't this lower the national debt in that case?

Is it true all of our infrastructure can be rapidly hacked by China?

Thom Hartman told me that China can win in minutes as they can rapidly hack all of our infrastructure.

Does MSM really care about the Key demo (Money) or Power??

I often hear you two mention how CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News are failing in the key demo which is what really matters for advertisers, but 50+ year olds make up more than 50% of voters. Money is power, but knowledge is also power. Do you think the MSM outlets, (or their backers) are willing to sacrifice profitability for the sake of manipulating the more powerful half of voters, or is it really something less nefarious like incompetence?

Student Loan Forgiveness and Patriot Act

Krystal and Saagar, If experts believe that Republicans have a viable strategy of challenging Student Loan Forgiveness on the basis of the extreme circumstances in which the law cited by the Biden administration was passed, could one not make a similar argument about the continued use of the Patriot Act since it was passed under the same circumstances?