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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Please cover the Troubled Teen Industry, institutional abuse of children

Have either of you looked into the multi billion dollar troubled teen industry? When I was 15 years old, I was taken by legal kidnappers to a wilderness bootcamp in the high Utah desert called Outback Therapeutic Expeditions. The bootcamp that I was sent to one of thousands of abusive for-profit troubled teen industry programs that operate without federal oversight or regulation. The parent company of the bootcamp I was sent to is Aspen Education group, which is owned by Bain Capital. Mitt Romney was still the CEO of Bain Capital when I was in Outback, and he profited off of my childhood trauma. In recent segments, Saagar has covered the mental health crisis that teenagers are facing in the United States; the TTI is a major underlying factor in the deregulation of our mental health services.

Saagar: What kind of Dog do you have?

Will Tulsi be back?

The Border Wall

With immigration as a hot topic I wonder what you guys think of Joe Biden continuing the border wall. Is this something Biden can tout? Which is more damaging to Biden high inflation or the border crisis?

Unchecked Greed vs. Ambition

With unchecked greed being at the core of many of society's current problems, I'd love to hear the two of you discuss your thoughts on how it contrasts with the often-positive attributes of ambition and achievement, and where the line is between the two - especially in relation to your personal efforts to build a successful business.