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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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The Breaking Points LIVE BAND

So Ryan and Emily are musicians. We all know Saagar can spit hot fire rhymes. Maybe Krystal plays the clarinet or something? Anyways, any chance of a Breaking Points band forming and playing at an upcoming LIVE SHOW? Also, what would be the name of the band? "Indeed we do"?

We will NOT let this go away!

You’re not supposed to be MSM but Krystal pushed the MSM narrative about vaccines and, so far, it seems like you’re trying to to do the MSM tactic of not addressing the backlash and hoping this issue will just go away. We aren’t going to let it!

Request for more context in next RFK interview

If there is another RFK interview, is it possible to have him agree ahead of time to just clearly state what his vaccine stance is and why as part of the segment? I’ve never even heard of the guy before he announced this presidential run and I watch/listen to these shows to learn about new within the 5-10 minutes a segment airs. My first reaction from the vaccine segment the other day was frustration that RFK wouldn’t clearly state the why behind his view and instead just kept repeating “tell me where I’m wrong.” Dude can’t you make it easy on those of us who don’t know you by saying something like “I dispute the Covid (or whatever) vaccine does anything at all because I reviewed these studies that found x, y, z which contradicts the media narrative of blah blah blah?” I was a little frustrated with Krystal because I wish she could have set up more clearly what the difference in views was too. I come away still confused both as to what RFKs stance is and also why everyone in the comments seems to be getting so excited like the segment was some big smear job. Can you please try to set up some of these kinds of future discussions in a way that doesn’t require me the lazy normal viewer to do a lot of extra homework in order to understand what’s going on? I don’t want to read everyone’s book - I prefer to have the key background points summarized in your segments.


Krystal - I remember you saying you love succulents. I recently received one as a gift. Do you have any advice for someone who has killed every house plant they have ever owned? You should also know Sagaar was quite complimentary of your wedding flower selections while you were gone. Love the show!

Another request for you to address the criticism

You know what the people want by this point. How can you stay silent while your credibility is eroding? Even Glen Greenwald disagreed in the nicest tone I've ever heard him take and Jimmy Dore is absolutely killing you guys over this Until this is addressed I can be certain there are others in independent media more deserving of donations.