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with Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar (Premium)

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Why doesn't Krystal Know What's She's Talking About in The RFK Interview?

Take a look at the interview. The only thing I heard was Krystal cutting off RFK. You should watch Jimmy Dore's Reaction video to the interview. What I want to know is... Is Krystal trying out for MSNBC again, with all her ignorance.

Will we see growth, development and learning from mistakes?

I followed you on Rising and onto BP. I've been a yearly subscriber from the beginning. It is sad to inform you that I am canceling my yearly subscription. BP showed its true colors and desires to viewers of independent internet broadcasting. It appears that BP is striving to become the MSNBC of the internet. You have succeeded. During the interview with RFK Jr, Krystal showed us how people act when they personally invest their faith into a set of beliefs on a subject. Her red line is her unwillingness to question what she believes is true regarding vaccine narratives. She reflected an inability to self-reflect and wonder if maybe she has got things wrong. She behaved like someone with the qualities she claims RFK Jr possesses, classic projection. Until I see some form of transformation from Krystal, I will no longer support BP. I suggest the staff of BP read, learn and practice the 5 Agreements as taught by Miguel Ruiz. The fifth agreement is most relevant for our time; Be skeptical, but learn to listen. Krystal demonstrated what an unwillingness to listen looks like. If she does the opposite, she will be practicing the fifth agreement. I wish you well and hope you evolve in a naturally supportive way from this mistake.

When will you really address the RFK interview?

I have enjoyed the show for a year however I do not like how the RFK interview was handled. Krystal addressing the interview by reading a text from RFK saying he enjoyed the debate is bullshit. I am looking forward to the softball questions you ask Marianne Williamson by comparison. Both of you should go back and listen to Sager talk about the biased journalist who covered RBG for years.

What are you doing to maintain your show’s integrity?

I want to ask this question respectfully and delicately. But I feel like it MUST be asked. I want you to know I have the utmost respect for your show, what you’re doing, and the vision you have. That’s why I’m a subscriber! First of all I’d like to congratulate Krystal and Kyle on their marriage. I’m happy that they are happy and fulfilled in their personal lives. I’m worried about their professional interactions. I don’t have anything against Kyle. I like him fine as a person, and I’m pretty ambivalent about his show. I just don’t think Secular Talk rises to the level of professionalism and standards that Breaking Points has set. I never thought it added up so when Krystal addressed on the show that she and Kyle were dating I thought “ah, that must be why.” When Kyle gets featured on BP how much of it is the merit of what he does and how much of it is his relationship with Krystal? How will you maintain the integrity of your show with this conflict of interest? How will you manage the appearance of conflict of interest? I just want to be clear that I am (and I’ll go ahead and assume most of your viewers are as well) a reasonable person. I don’t expect you to be a robot and not have friends, or make professional connections. Your coverage of Marianne Williamson and JD Vance has been much appreciated, as well as reminding the audience of your relationship with them. However Kyle does not get the same treatment. Like I said, I love you guys and I’m not setting out to be rude and I understand it’s an uncomfortable question, I’m almost sorry for asking it. But I really value what you’re doing here and I want to maintain that trust. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration. Casey (she/her)

Ryan "not so" Grim

I've followed Krystal and Saagar since their time on Rising and Ryan Grim started out as a friend to the show who later took over as a host when Breaking Points began. While I have agreed with many of Ryan's points on Rising, he seemed a bit uncomfortable there and almost as if he was holding himself back. He even would stutter at times which came across like he was self-editing his words or very self conscious of his speech. Since he has come to Breaking Points and started Counter Points with Emily, Ryan seems SOOOOOOOO much more relaxed and comfortable....I dare say happy. His viewpoints do not seemed to have changed, but he seems to come across much more at home and in his element on BP. He comes across very natural and part of the BP fam! So my question is for Ryan, without naming names or getting into any drama details, how does being part of Breaking Points differ from your time on Rising?